Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Eyeless through the looking glass

Okay day 2 of the Uni Blip series, this time in Ikea in Croydon. Either that or an alternative Universe where everything is flat packed including the people. Imagine having to put yourself together with an allen key every morning.

I'd probably have bits left over.

Anyway very entertaining, it took eleven store assistants, half an hour of aimless wandering and losing each other three times before finding out that they had not got any CD racks worth buying. The meatballs were good apparently though, according to the daughter, and we did the customary thing of spending shed loads of money on things we don't need. A power cut could last several weeks if our supply of Swedish candles is anything to go by. Oh but one radical shocker - they have stopped stocking mini dime bars and now have their own brand which is not the same at all. Huh.

I was in a bit of a cheeky mood. There was a woman behind us at the checkout and I made brief eye contact before saying very loudlyto TSM "this woman is a really good dancer by the way". She looked surprised and taken aback until I confessed I had seen her boogying to "I heard it on the grapevine" in the aisle between the duvet covers and the cork placemats at which point she suddenly went all shy and made a big thing of shrinking down behind the freezer cabinet until I left.

I think her name was Alice ...

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