All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Beep beep - out the way!

Much as I hate to do another "I'm really tired today" blip ... I'M REALLY TIRED TODAY! Ethan was up crying during the night and then decided 4.40am would be the perfect time to get up for the day. Although poor hubbie got up both times , I didn't get back to sleep the 2nd time so was bleary eyed at work today. At least hubbie got to go back to bed after I took Ethan to nursery and he slept till 11am!

When I picked Ethan up this evening, the nursery staff said he lasted till lunchtime but was literally falling asleep at the table with his pudding hanging out of his mouth. He then slept for over 2 hours!

Ethan made up for the rubbish start to the day this evening though as he was on great form. He wanted to play in the car when we got home and had fun pushing all the buttons and pretending to drive the car. He then ate LOADS of dinner. This is the boy who sometimes won't eat more than a cherry tomato for dinner on nursery evenings. Tonight he had baked beans on toast, corn on the cob, fish pie, 2 chips and a banana. At least if he wakes at silly o'clock again tomorrow morning I can't blame it on hunger!

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