All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I've done several sunset blips in the past but don't think I've ever managed a sunrise one. I guess that's the one benefit of Ethan getting up at 5.15am today ... I was up in time to see and capture this morings glorious sunrise! It's so beautiful I haven't done anything to the picture - not even any cropping, which is most unlike me!

I had a very industrious day today. Hubbie drove down to Newcastle to pick up his friend Scott, his girfriend Kirsti and their son Sebastian. I spent the day getting the house in order in preparation for their arrival. I hoovered and cleaned the carpets, did 3 loads of washing, lots of dusting and unblocked the bathroom sink which decided to choose today to become completely congested. After pulling out every pipe possible from under the sink, I found them all chocka block full of hair. Normally I'd get the blame for anything hair related, but I rarely use that bathroom and when I do it's only to wash my face and clean my teeth. As I had to take the cupboard doors off to get to the shelf which had to come out in order to access the pipes, the whole thing took me 45 minutes. Then when I put it back together I discovered it was leaking which it hadn't been prior to me tinkering with it. Oh dear!

Hubbie arrived back from Newcastle with our guests 2 hours earlier than expected. After relaxing for a wee bit, they all went down to The Centre, which allowed me to finish off the housework and make dinner, before picking Ethan up from nursery. He had another incident there today (he was bitten by another child again, although you can hardly see todays mark).

I think he's rather bemused to have another child here tonight. Sebastian is only 5 months older than him and they seem to be getting on pretty well so far.

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