All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Yay - we're going to soft play!

Ethan & I were supposed to be meeting my friend Frances and her wee girl Lyla and my friend Shona & her wee boy Ruaridh today. Unfortunately Shona had car trouble so couldn't make it. We were going to go to Almond Valley Heritage Centre but as the weather was pretty pants today, Frances & I decided to go to the Soft Play at the EICA.

I think it's safe to say that both Ethan & Lyla had a whale of a time there. Ethan was so worn out by all the excitement, he fell asleep only a few minutes after we left!

He was tucked up in bed asleep this evening at 7pm too which is earlier than usual. I'm knackered myself too so think it will be an early night for me tonight as well!

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