Learning day by day

By EmmaF

William had another bad night so I am exhausted. Bad night meaning waking every 3/4 hrs if not every half hour. It is definately Hand, foot and mouth as he has nothing on his torso, but it is a bad dose. At least Carys should be fine. She had it at 14months and was miserable then.

As William has to be kept away from other kids we did jobs today. Out in the car to get Carys a waterproof coat for her farm trip on Tuesday, a quilt for Williams new bed and a quick run around Sainsbury's.

Carys made bread at school today, she was so proud of it. Homework was done and dusted by teatime so both kids had a long bath before bedtime. Hoping his blisters go soon. Isolation form other kids is miserable, no classes, no park, no soft play and there is only so much of playing in the house I can cope with on very little sleep.

This should have been a shot of Will today as he is 23months, but he was so miserable I decided not too.

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