Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Need a blanket?

I give up. It's going to be iPhone photos or backblips for this week. There is a big computer problem and I can't get to the apple store til Friday. And I made this over a week ago. Grr. Appts were scarce due to "remodeling". ( could it be because a huge Microsoft store is opening close by??). Might have to go stand and wait for those genius guys. Or figure out a different program for the photos?
Anyway- supposed to have the girls today as their mom was working again. Fiona is sick- won't sleep, won't eat, temper tantrums she can't tell us about. Very frustrating all around.
Did go to the park and had a pix I cannot upload from the camera. Then we found we had forgotten to return her brown and white blanket from the crib (where she would not sleep). I think I'll just get in there myself and cover my head and be quiet. ( except My size won't fit!!!). Tatum, while we were trying to make cookies, says "see what we've had to deal with all week?? I am spared the most because I am in school." Tatum will be 8 in 2 days.

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