Learning day by day

By EmmaF

A Rose

First day without kids for how long? After school and taking Will to T''s, I spent the morning in the garden. Mowed both lawns, sorted my raised beds and put in the winter veg. Did a bit of general tidying.

The afternoon went all to quickly, used up by doing house type jobs.

Carys was very tired after he school trip to the farm. She was upset as one of her sandwiches and her crispy treat had fallen on the floor and she had been told not to eat them. She hasn't told me anything else about the day but I am sure she will in time. She was very good doing her homework before swimming and worked hard in her lesson. Afterwards she was wrecked.

We picked up William and managed to get both in bed (Carys reading her reading book to William and I twice as a bedtime story), without a meltdown from either child. Carys was aslepp by 6PM and Will by 6.15PM. A record on my own. Lets see how long it lasts.

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