Hair today gone tomorrow!

Had to go for a haircut today. When I make up my mind I need a haircut I just go and find a place that can take me there and then. As I was in Glasgow I went to my usual haunts but they were busy then I found one I hadnt used for a while! then I remembered why!
What is it with this malarky of head massage when they wash your heid? IF I want that sort of stuff done to me I ask the better half! Then the hairdresser himself! oh my God I had forgotten how bloody coorse he was, the guy was so rough I left feeling Michael Flatley had been doing Riverdance on ma heid!

Then there was this young lass who was getting her hair done, boy was she particular, when the lass brought her the mirror, she grabbed it from her and examined avery hair, usually hairdressers dont give you the mirror lest you see the chunks they took out the back of your bonce. Then when she went to leave , she took ten whole minutes wrapping a scarf round her noggin lest it should upset her locks! When she went I asked mr Rough it who she was..." a student " he said!!! God help her she must have had to get up at the crack of dawn to get herself all dolled up!
Any how I left after being suitablly scalped and releived of 18 quid and will tomorrow have a go at chucking a tint on it as at the moment I look like a bloody badger!

Off to my really serious camera club this evening as its the first night of the season. I see Campbeltown have also strted one and they have a flickr and a facebook site which is good as we can chat and exchange ideas , they also load up lessons on youtube which is good too.

Shot is of the gang in the car coming up from Glasgow

Have a good evening all

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