Do not be fooled...
He looks sad.... well I can tell you this little pooch is a spoilt little Prince.... he is looking at me in a manner befitting a dog who has just been beaten... but no.. this is his look he uses when he knows meat is cooking,and I had just plated up some chicken... don't worry he and Buffy got some chicken.. spoilt.
Pepe has to have false tears everyday as his left eye once dried up and his eye ball shattered and he was so ill I thought he was going to die...anyway after MONTHS of treatment all is well,except he has his false tears.
Day three of the big detox house.. STILL off cakes and most carbs... however I still have a headache that has been on and off for 6 weeks,so tomorrow my doctor has booked me in for some blood tests.
On a lighter note I am cooking lamb chops and hand cut chips..... and also making some soup with my leftover veg.... GET ME !! GET.ME... I am a right housewife :D hahahahahahhahahah forrrrrrr now...... xx
p.s the chicken was for the girls,they wanted chicken wraps for tea and well,they are good at school so I have indulged them and just this once let them have a different tea to me and Mr W .... I can state for the record that it is rare I do that.
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