Crazy Frog
A chilled Wednesday, as Wednesday's go. Usual morning routine for Katherine: French lesson and riding. Meanwhile some shopping for me and Conor, and a trip to hand back his football top from Sunday. (With some difficulties for me in understanding the guys in the office who have the broadest accents I've heard in France. A younger guy had to translate into normal French for me.... shameful - must get better at that.
Lunch and tidying filled up the rest of the day. The kids tidied Conor's room (ie played) while I tidied away a million cobwebs, which seem to appear on the rafters overnight, sorted out some jobs in the garden and made chips. That, with a careful bath for Conor and some homework help for Katherine, seemed to somehow fill the day.
Oh yes, I hosed down the terrace as well - which was showing the effects of the kids shelling walnuts there. This frog hopped out to enjoy the water and then took a liking to our sliding glass doors. A combination of hose and fly swat persuaded him gently out of a crevice where he would surely have been squashed, so instead he clambered nimbly up the wall, and into a hole. Do frogs live 7 feet up inside house walls? They seem to here. Hopefully he won't emerge into the house at some point - I've enough to deal with with the hornets.
Mr B is back tomorrow afternoon, and I have much to do at the MBH if I'm not to have my wages docked on his return. The weekend brings a visit from friends, which will be a very welcome break from work.
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