
By StateoftheArt

Day twenty-nine: check up

So I took Puck to the vet. She's going to be 16 years old next month and while she has been acting like her normal self, just slower, I have known for awhile that there was something wrong. I have been scared to take her into the vet because I wasn't totally sure that I wanted to know.

After oodles of tests and sticks, which Puck was a total champ with, turns out she is hypertensive. We're going to go back to the vet tomorrow to discuss treatment options.

How this fits in with wholeness? Two ways:

1. Again, being honest. I have put off taking Puck to the vet for 6 months because I was scared of what it might be. I am relieved to at least know the name of what is changing my elderly cat. Honesty is the best policy.

2. Love. I love my cat dearly and I want her to have the best quality of life for what she has left. Friday I might have to make some difficult decisions. But, I know that they will be made with honesty and love.

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