Room to move

When we got in last night there was barely anywhere to sit down. This morning we had a couple of saints from church come round to help us make a start on the cleaning and tidying. First thing they did was sort out the living room so that things were in more useful places, and we had a sofa to sit on again! Ben has taken it all in his stride. He was glad of some space though, immediately got his trains out and enjoyed playing on a level floor. The two girls who came round then made a start on the kitchen and got work surfaces cleaned and a lot of stuff washed and dried so we could actually function. They were amazing. Mum looked after Ben, Dad and Steve did more wiring, and I did very little at all - I felt sick, exhausted and drained and kept randomly bursting into tears.

Went round to Hayley's house for tea, she declared we had to eat there. It was a perfect bit of respite. Ben played with her boys, I didn't have to do anything, we were fed, chatted, laughed, and eventually Steve went back to the house to do more wiring and to sort of supervise some of our church smallgroup who were coming round to do some more cleaning. Mum and dad fell asleep on the sofa at Hayleys, Ben cuddled up next to me once Hayley's kids had gone to bed, and Hayley and I watched How to Train a Dragon. We enjoyed it! Ben seemed to like it as well, he didn't complain anyway. We had a hot chocolate before Steve came back to get us, and Ben managed to do a massive hot-chocolate sneeze which came dribbling out of his mouth and pooled on his teeshirt. It was quite impressive. Steve came back for us around 9.30pm and Ben fell asleep in the car. He flopped around as I gently took cardigan and trousers off, and we just put him to bed in his pants and hot-chocolate stained teeshirt.

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