Life on the Sofa

Life on the sofa has changed a little since the last time it was visited like this. Now there's a Charley who climbs over the middle to jump onto his brother! (That picture somehow got missed out of this collection...)

Today I have been mostly flying solo. Steve has been all over the place doing various things. We've been swimming - first solo (as in, without Steve) swimming lessons with the boys and we survived, Charley even ENJOYED his lesson today, smiling, coping. Turns out it was the cold water he objected to more than being tired, and a pink (yes) wetsuit kept him just warm enough to cope. Need to find his wetsuit. As much as I don't mind the pink borrowed one he wore today, I do wish I knew where his has got to. We've done lunch, kind of. It mainly consisted of toast, I think. We've done the afternoon. Well that was an easy one really, Steve went out again, Ben fell asleep watching Bee Movie, and Charley fell asleep in the wrap so all was peaceful and quiet and I got to do some painting. When Charley woke up I let him get down and he went over to where Ben was collapsed on the sofa and shouted at him "BEN WAKE UP!!!!" only in Charley language so it sounded more like "BA-AA!!!!" to which Ben responded with "Uh?!" and woke up.

We went out to the chip shop to get dinner. We had to go over the railway bridge, so we had to wait for a train. Or two. And then somehow managed to take a long-cut home, and accidentally fall into the co-op and some chocolate milk and chocolate cake and a kinder egg fell into our basket. Oops.

It's been a good day, really.

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