Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Where it all began..

This is where it all began. This photo along the roadside, of the foliage near peak, one year ago. This year, the foliage isn't here quite yet..it may not make it. The weather this year has been all wonky. It's definitely sad to me to not see the brilliant colors i love so much.

I started to blip something completely different, but stopped just short of submission. I don't know what made me look, but i'm glad i did. I didn't want to miss out on my 365th blip like i missed out on other "Blip" milestones.

One year ago, i was in a VERY different frame of mind. I have overcome so many things in the last year. Unfortunately however ones that i wished would have by now, haven't - not for lack of trying. This has caused me to have some pretty ill effects on my health.

It's no longer about getting out- it's having somewhere to get out too.. we have the means - for the most part - now we just need the where. Really hoping that something gives before I do. That won't be pretty if that happens.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me, stopped by, left comments and stars. I appreciate everyone of you. I know my replies and check-ins have dwindled as the year went by, life just seems to get in the way ;)

I would like to say thank you to a special soul who's left the world, but not forgotten. Molly - you were always the highlight of my blip day, you always had beautiful blips and were so warm and welcoming to everyone, even the *newbies*. thank you. I hope you're doing well now, in the great beyond.

Until Tomorrow-

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