As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Bird Watching

I went for a run with Kenny in the morning and then did some homework until around noon. Then Kate picked me up and I hung out with her, Maureen, and Mike. We went to Panera and then went to the West End to eat it and just chill out. To get in we either had to be bird watching, surfing, or fishing. We chose bird watching, paid our eight dollars and went in. We brought our blankets out and placed them next to a dead stingray. We sat for about an hour and saw an old guy wearing some neon green thong was gross. Then we drove home and I did more homework until I tutored at 5:30. After that I went to the pasta party Gabby had at her house. That was a ton of fun. Now I'm home doing the homework I put off until now.

Kate and Mike are pictured above.

Typical weekend.

Word of the Day: Titubant - A disturbance resulting in an uncertain gait and trembling

I think I might try something new...I'll call it "Ginger's Words of Wisdom".

#1 ~ If a man asks to see a pair of binoculars to prove that you're going to bird-watch, a camera will suffice.

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