Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Cheeky chaffinch

What can I say? Some days.....blips come to you!

I had heard this rumoured but never quite believed it before! If it could happen a bit MORE often I would appreciate it! ;-)

Feeling a bit sad that it is the last day of my leave today. Annual leave is precious and I used up so much for this fortnight off. I can't believe it is almost over. As always, it has gone by SO quickly. At least we will only have a two day week before the next weekend! :)

We will probably just stay in and relax today, not least because Mr C seems to have injured his leg (although he can't remember doing it, but huge lumps and bruises do tend to be caused by something)!

A heartfelt thank you to people that have been so kind, wonderful and supportive to me recently, especially on my down days! Believe me, your comments and stars etc really do mean so much to me.

Thank you and have a good Wednesday everyone! :)

PS Can ANYONE please tell me what settings to have the camera on for macro photos? I am going nuts here - can't seem to focus anything!! Thank you! x

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