
By Fisherking

...Stir it with a wooden spoon....

Charlie came to visit her poorly Grand-dad today and to show off her new trick.....eating solids......mashed sweet potato to be exact.

Woke up this morning thinking I might be able to get back to work.....not a prayer.....couldn't even get into the car!

YH brought Charlie over about 11.00 and had lunch with us and stayed for a fair chunk of the afternoon. Charlie is now having solid food....well mush lunch times....... and is almost crawling....she can just about get to all fours ...but then she doesn't know what to do next. However dropping back to the floor and making swimming motions gets her moving, mainly backwards or round and round....but it won't be long.

She has a little seat called a bumbo that she sits in and it has a tray attachment. She's taken to banging the tray with her hands, so I introduced her to the joys of whacking things with a wooden spoon. As you can see she has the idea about spoons, lick them and stick them in your mouth, but she also gave the tray one or two good whacks and surprised herself with the noise....maybe a drum kit for Christmas?

I think I've finally cracked the back pain....2 Ibruprofen at 7.30, 2 paracetemol at 11.00, 2 Ibruprofen at 1.30, 2 paracetemol at 3.00, 2 paracetemol at 6.00,2 Ibruprofen at 8.00 and 2 paracetemol to come at 10.30 have knocked it down this afternoon/evening to an annoying, perpetual niggle......and the spasms have, hopefully, work tomorrow. Just hope I can remember the timings. If I can get through the rest of this week and next week then it's half term and I'll get a good rest to finish it off and be back to my best.

Probably have to lay off the fishing for a while....but I've been out for a drive and managed o.k.

Also it finally stopped raining at around 4.30 this afternoon, and a strange yellow object appeared in the sky....didn't stay long before it disappeared ....but it was nice while it lasted.

Das vidanya moy padruga, ya chustvu-yu sibya pa-luch-she. ( I feel a lot better)

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