
By Cari

eggplant parmesan

Good Evening blip land!
This has been a very busy day. On the look out for photo ops throughout the day. There were many but timing was wrong. So, went to dinner at Bennetti's in Coos Bay. Delicious minestrone soup!! Being that I don't eat meat, I had the eggplant parmesan. It was wonderful, however, it is a large serving and after the soup and salad(and large filling beer) I had leftovers for lunch tomorrow. We had a lovely dinner with business associates from out of town.

I'm looking forward to the weekend! Hoping the weather will stay pleasant. I used to wear makeup every day but the past year or so I haven't been so much. I wore some today and one of our salesman asked why I looked so fancy. That's the only thing I did different. wear makeup.... fancy. Too funny.

G'nite all

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