Saucepan Drums

23months 21days
Every child has to play the saucepan drumkit, right? Katie set one up this afternoon.

She's had some more fabulous reports when I've gone to pick her up at nursery. She ate all her lunch with the other children. Then when it was pudding, which was fruit and cream, she ate only the cream. She is her grandad's girl for sure. She'd not wanted to join the others for afternoon snack, so had hers in the corner she likes, but then went and sat down with them and said " i want milk please". When Nicky changed her nappy, apparently Katie told her "no, you not touch the fish", and went up and did all the fish colours herself. Nicky sat her on the potty and Katie tried before announcing "its not coming".

I went for her midafternoon today and she'd been playing in a den they'd made, but she wasnt in the room anymore - she was in the toilets having told one of the staff she needed a poo! They're falling in love with my Katie now. Nicky said to me today "she's just so cute, she's great!" and that one of the babyroom staff came in because she wanted to play with Katie. I love seeing her find her feet.

After nursery, we had a couple of jobs to do, including the bank. Katie was looking for her favourite cashier - so Jo came out from her lunchbreak and onto the till just to see her. We then went round to play with Jack and his mummy. As usual, the two of them played very nicely together. Jack has a dog, bear and blanket that are his securities. Once she was told they were his specials, she kept taking them to him if he put them down. They played with jack's kitchen a lot today. Including Katie turning its contents into a drumkit.

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