Lali's World

By Lali

Abstracts 11 - A distorted building

Another of my wee experiments. This is again just a reflection on water, but I think it looks cool!

By the way, if you are an amateur photogropher over 18 and resident in Scotland, you might be interested in this photography competition. Basically, you have to capture moments of everyday Scottish life. The prize is worth having a go at this. I definitely will! You can win £2,000 worth of multimedia equipment, including a Canon DSLR! I know I have a chance in a million to win this prize, but I lose nothing by entering. I've never entered any photography competitions, so if you have any useful advice to give, I will really appreciate it!

Changing the subject, I had some really good news today. The travel insurance in my bank account covered for the theft of my camera and I got some money back!! :)

Today I was off and the weather was really good. Had a long lie in, went out to take some pictures then to the bank, and after that I went to the gym. Feeling tired now but in a good way. Not planning to go out this evening, since I'm working tomorrow. I'll have a busy weekend!

Thanks very much again for all your comments. I hit the Spotlight again!! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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