my corner of the world

By Vic

We love Saturdays!

It has been a long day. Up at 4 am to see Jasmine off alright. She has been texting me all day (dread to think how much that is going to cost us. Latest news is that she thought she was going to die on the flight but didn't! Phew. She has met her family that she is living with for the next 10 days and really likes them! Phew! The weather is hot! Phew! They have just been shopping and the mum bought Jasmine a top from Zara and she's made up. (I don't blame her. I've never had a top from Zara, way out of our shopping range). I think she is going to be spoilt this week. (Hope she doesn't expect that when she returns). So relieved that she is happy!

Jaden returned from his sleepover ...very tired and snappy. Early night needed. I let him watch a DVD while he had tea (as John is out). He's happy now!

John dropped Jasmine off, went to get his blip (in Filey'll recognise it Dotty), went canoeing and is now on a night exercise for mountain rescue!

Can't say my day has been as exciting ...washing, cleaning, hoovering, tidying Jasmine's bedroom, washing and drying bedding and baking. But have felt relaxed and busy so good day! Managed a quick stop off on the way home from picking Jaden up. Loads of huge kites out today pulling surfers and Go Karts along the beach. Looked great fun!

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