stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Colours ~ The Stand Up

After all the gaudy colours I've been spreading around I thought I'd tone it down a little with this simple offering. The man at the mike.

The delay to the cutover start this morning allowed me to watch most of that game and I was able to put the smoke studio together for a quick shoot. I was just about to start working through the images when I got the call!

Apologies. It's been a hectic day and I've only managed to pop on a few times while I've been waiting for jobs to finish so I've not been able to catch up with everyone. Part one is now complete and I've got 4 hours to snatch some kip before part two begins so it's another splash and dash I'm afraid.

Anywho, I was flipping through the shots and I came across this one. I had something else in mind for today (now locked up in the head and kept for a rainy day) but I just couldn't resist this one. It's actually not a composite, but a single shot but so well defined (at least I hope you can all see it)! As I looked through my other shots I saw the possibility of a Rat Pack blip with the man at the mike being my Ole Blue Eye's, but while I found my Sammy Davis Jr. I just didn't have a Dean Martin. Ah well!

Of to bed now to be rudely interrupted at about 3am ~ the neighbours are gonna love me again because I have to have the phone on max volume to have a chance of it waking me up!!!

I'll try and catch up with everyone tomorrow but it's going to be another busy day. Have a good one!

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