stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

BEB ~ My Oyster...

It may not be the world but for the next two weeks it's going to be plenty big for me.

Unfortunately, this Boring Emergency Blip is just a snatched half hour break between jobs. To be honest I wasn't going to blip today (it's been one of those days) but I wasn't going to let work get in the way of my journal. So, thinking positively I put up my Castles of Scotland map in preparation for the coming fortnight if (hopefully) the weather stays favourable.

Officially the cutover is half an hour behind schedule but strangely I'm going to be at it until 3 or 4am tomorrow morning. Funny half hour!

Anyway I know I said I'd try to catch up with everyone today but in the snatched moments I've only managed a little. All the time in the blip tomorrow so I'll do it then. Promise!

Meantime, back to the grindstone!

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