stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Colours ~ Haka

Inspired by a request from CB for a tribute to the All Blacks, nothing says New Zealand rugby more than the traditional Maori challenge performed by the team before each game.

I hope it brings the All Blacks a little more luck than the Red Dragon brought the Welsh!

If you are having trouble seeing it, I think the best way to try and see this one is to work from the bottom up. From the wide squatting stance the player is facing side on to his opponent, left arm thrust out in challenge, his right coming across his body. The head is off-centre and not particularly well defined but hopefully you can see the wide open mouth and tongue as he performs one of those fearsome cries.

I've included a Haka Uncovered image on my Blipfolio.

Today was a non-event. Slept in until 10am by which time the rain had started, and has continued all day. After being cooped up in the flat for the last couple of days I had to get out so I took the bus up into town and sauntered down Princes Street for some retail therapy. Got absolutely soaked but it was a great feeling!

Poor start to the trip when I walked into Virgin to upgrade the BB for a Galaxy SII when I was told I still had some time left on my contract - booo! The immediate disappointment was made up for in HMV where I sprung for a couple of box sets (Blue Bloods S1 and Fringe S1-3) to keep me occupied in case the bad weather persists. I also treated myself to a "Markies" shop. First time I'd been in since I started the diet and to be fair apart from one dinner I stuck to their diet range too. No chocolate pud's or mini spare ribs (which I had been addicted to before)! I did get a bottle of ginger beer and my "full fat" roast beef Yorkshire pudding, which will be my treat for the week.

Fully refreshed I'll be hunkered over the map tonight planning the next couple of days if the weather holds out!



Phoned Virgin to find out when my contract was due up and was assisted by "very helpful" Paul who told me that while this was 21/01 (boo) I might get the opportunity to end it early on 21/10 (yeah). But then I struck gold!

He told me I could buy out my contract for £77 (boo) but then told me because of the handset I wanted I would get a £49 cashback (yeah). THEN he told me if I recycled it with Envirophone I could get £47 from that, so I'd actually be in profit for upgrading early! Now I know how Basil Fawlty felt when he won that money on the horses!!!

Oh, and my tarrif dropped from £25/m to £23/m and because I'm a Virginmedia customer I get a £2/m discount!

Life is good!

:- )

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