The Daily Bun

By pennybun


A backblip, as we completed the last 16 miles of the Cuckoo Way over 2 days, staying in a rather superior B&B on the way.
This image makes the weather look serene, but it was one of those windy, changeable days, which included constantly changing skies and a couple of showers. The walking was mainly pleasant, without being spectacular. and as we covered over 11 miles including the walk from the station to the canal, and from the canal to the B&B, we were definitely weary, so a hot bath and a lovely meal were very welcome.
On the bird front, it was mainly rooks and crows over the fields, but we also managed a couple of buzzard sightings, a kestrel, a cormorant fishing in the canal, and a small mixed flock of fieldfare and redwings.

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