Lali's World

By Lali

abandoned and neglected 3- Firework manufacturers?

This is an old sign I found in the Royal Mile on my way to work. I thought it used to belong to a firework manufacturing place, but CanCarrier seemed to think it was actually "Ironwork manufacturers".

*Added text* - It might not be Ironwork manufacturers after all, and I might have been right, who knows? If you know, let me know, hahaha! :)

Today it was really cold in Edinburgh. I started my day in a very strange mood (one of those "no light at the end of the tunnel" moods). The day went fine apart from my last tour, where everything that could go wrong went wrong. On top of that, I had to conduct half of the tour in my very rusty French due to technical problems. So, you get the picture! Not great! Now, I'm trying to forget all about the whole thing with a glass of red!

Generally, I feel that I have some creative talent that is going to waste, which I think it's a shame. Thinking of maybe seriously doing something about my cake decorating skills, although not sure exactly what yet. I have to think about this one.

Glad you're enjoying my new theme. Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a better day than me! :)

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