All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Oh what a surprise. After having such a battle getting Ethan to bed last night, he was still up at silly o'clock! 4.20am to be precise. I did try to get him back to sleep in his cot but as I was still feeling rotten I gave up quickly and brought him through to our bed. It's very unusual for us to do that these days as he seems to associate our room with playtime and won't go back to sleep there. However, this morning he fell asleep in our bed within seconds and slept through till 6.45am.

As for me, I felt like death warmed up so ended up phoning in sick. Hubbie took Ethan to nursery so I didn't even have to get out of bed (usually I do the nursery drop offs as it's very tight for hubbie getting to work on time if he does it). Despite feeling ill, it was weird doing nothing today. I felt very guilty lying around when there is so much needing done around the house.

Ethan had another 2 hour nap at nursery today and again they had to wake him after his 2 hours were up. Apparently he refused to eat at nursery today though apart from his rice crispies at breakfast. He wouldn't eat anything they offered him at lunchtime, including pudding, so in desperation they gave him a 2nd bowl of rice crispies, which he ate. He didn't want much dinner either once he was home - 1 mouthful of omlette and a few spoonfulls of baked beans were all I could get him to eat. However he then marched through to the kitchen and helped himself to a big bowl of .... rice crispies!! He also had tons of milk this evening - each time he finished a bottle he kept asking "more, more".

He enjoys filling his own cup with water these days. When he sees me turn the tap on, he won't let me fill the cup up but insists on doing it himself whilst chanting "awter (water), awter" over and over.

He didn't want his shower this evening and was slightly later to bed again (8pm) as he was wide awake and clearly not wanting to go to sleep. Hmmmm - wonder what time he'll sleep till tomorrow morning!

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