Front range of the Rockies

We emerged back to the world of cars, clean clothes, and other human contact today - like emerging from a beautiful dream. Coming out is bittersweet for me. I have been looking forward to fresh food, a change of clothes, simple creature comforts, but I miss the honest beauty and isolation of the mountains already....I ache for it.

We'll be back soon though and there is much to do in the meantime. Exam's are just around the corner and Casey and I have yet to even make them! So that is our task these next couple days while the students study and get ready for their recess day in town later this week.

In the meantime Rob, my wonderful boss met us all at the trailhead strumming a mandolin tune and shuttled us back towards the front range, where the Rockies rise up straight from the endless prairie and take your breath away. I wish I had some better pictures to capture it - the sense of space and openness is beyond pictures, or words...

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