Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Hovis looking pretty much the perfect Springer. This is my last day of freedom today before returning to work tomorrow! I enjoyed a lovely walk out in the countryside around Rivington.

I went to hospital with my Dad in the afternoon as he had an appointment at the Radiography department so he could be scanned. He had to drink a huge jug of water and there was a lot of waiting about so I popped over to see a couple of my phlebotomy colleagues to see what I'd been missing during my weeks off. Lots, apparently! All the rotas for some staff will be changed (including me!) and there's a lot of huffing and puffing about who is altering these rotas and why.....oh well, there are more important things in life and whatever will be, will be... My Dad had no problem with the scan but now he has to wait for the results.

The boys had a good day at school. The younger two had a trip to the cinema due to it being national film day or something. They watched Gnomeo & Juliet which they'd already seen but, still, better than double maths! Lewis had his first guitar lesson...hurrah...After school, Rowan went for tea at his friend Sam's house.

Prepared two harvest boxes for the primary school's harvest festival tomorrow.

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