
After years and years, my hair is getting back to it's natural colour. It's been stripped today. It needs a second session to get rid of the remaining darker pigments from the mid section downwards, but I'm pleased with the fact that my natural colour is actually quite nice (brown with some lovely red flecks) and there's no grey. Yay!

Aside from that, I have been blitzing the house. 18 bags of clothes and shoes (carrier bags!) have been taken to the charity shop. The back bedroom is nearly sorted. Joe's posters (from Saturday) have been framed. 5 loads of washing done. Lovely beef casserole done for tea. Bathroom scrubbed to within an inch of it's life. I'm feeling quite virtuous.

I'll feel more virtuous when I have marked all of the coursework that I brought home.

Dentist tomorrow...yay. Not.

My friend and colleague, Walter, appears to have become a bit of an internet sensation. He commentated on Fanzone on Sky yesterday - he's a die-hard Manchester City Fan (from Manchester), so what a day to be commentating against a Man United fan from SURREY. Fisherking will not be happy with me posting this, and I can assure him that I am not mocking him at all - I have no real interest in football, but there is a certain gleeful pleasure to be had from watching the other guy's face and seeing how it fuelled Walter's enrgetic and frantic shouting. Enjoy - 30 thousand others have so far (and that's not including the views on Sky)

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