Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


New cabin is wonderful, slept like a log, possibly thanks to a few glasses of decent red and a couple of large whiskies.

Florence today. The ship docked in Livorno and we caught the train to Florence 13 euros each return, much cheaper than the UK, journey took just over an hour. We decided to get on the tourist bus, to see parts of the city we missed last year. Off the bus near to the Ponte Vecchio, walked through several of the Piazza's, soaking up the history and marvelling at the statues.

Roy had to buy some socks. He discovered last night that he had only packed one pair of socks, which means he has been wearing them since last Wednesday. In his defence he has only been wearing them in the evening, as we have been in t shirt and shorts. So he now has 2 pairs of socks to see him through the rest of the holiday.

Tonights scuplture is an elephant.Florence

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