Heavy Rain...

... On the motorway caused traffic to slow to a snail's pace.

I was going to blip the dust, but then it rained and hundreds of tiny snails came out to play.

I have the builders - it's a bit like a cold, but worse, it has drained me, and left me chilled, and:
The dust! The dust! Oh! The dust. I am not particularly house proud, but at the moment even I am shocked.

On the plus side, I have Gavin, Wayne, Mike, Luke and Daniel, ripping, drilling, bashing and hammering, and then, singing and drinking my tea.

The current state of play is no Kitchen AT ALL. No sink, no cooker, no fridge. The floor has been sealed with some blue rubbery paint which I am not allowed to tread on, and the Kettle, the only means of heating water is on the far window sill !!

I am drinking wine from a tea stained mug!

I have no heating, and no hot water for ablutions.

The living room is even worse, the plaster has been hacked from the NEWLY decorated walls, in order for damp proofing to be injected. Now new plaster has been applied and must be left to dry for several days

All the furniture and kitchen stuff, crockery, cutlery, glasses, food etcetera is upstairs, I can just squeeze between the microwave and the printer to get to my bed.

I have had no internet connection all day, but have just fixed up a Heath Robinson affair that only works in the hall!! But thats OK because that is where the only chair is!!

I'm loving it.
The pressure to keep the place tidy is off, and I can have a legitimate moan to all and sundry, at length.

Wayne had shoulders and biceps ( and probably other things) to swoon over.

Gavin, has a twinkle in his eye to rival David Essex, and sings all day - but hasn't quite got the voice of the star.

Daniel, is quiet, but has a very cute smile.

Mike is business like and gets stuff done.

Luke, ahhhh Luke, I'm not sure what Luke, is supposed to be doing, but he's certainly very decorative. so that's just fine.

Roll on Wednesday!!
Doh! I'm going to be out for most of it.

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