Extreme measures

New parking regulations in Hemel Hempstead have caused residents to take extreme measures to confuse traffic wardens.

In other news, I have a friend coming to stay tomorrow night on her way north. No, she's not migrating, just a brief visit to the northern branch of her family.
I have already eaten the whole packet of special biscuits I bought for her, and now I've opened the wine.......


Well it did need test driving.

I'm also making a fancy dress outfit for halloween for another friend this evening - the theme is Massacred Disney Princesses.

I'm doing the dress for Belle from Beauty and the Beast. It's a fab dress, but at the back her liver and kidney and a portion of gut are hanging out, where the beast has attacked her.

Apparently Cinderella will have a stiletto heel through her skull, the little mermaid will be attacked by a shark and Rapuntzel will hanged by her own hair. etc etc. You get the drift.....

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