...Hey Nikita is it cold......

Charlie's impressions part II. After yesterday's impression of an All Black, Charlotte presents former President of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev!

She was taken shopping today to buy some winter clothes including a new hat. Young Helen was quite taken with this Russian style hat, but Charlie is clearly saying "Ya nye eta shapka!" ( I don't like this hat!). At least she didn't bang on the table with her shoe to get the point across as Khrushchev once did in the United Nations!

Busy, busy day. Up at 8.00 (late for me). Dad got up at 10.00....well 9.00 actually but he didn't appear downstairs until 10.00. God knows what he finds to do in the bathroom for nearly an hour!

Took him to see the boys, after cajoling him into breakfast and getting his coat on. Back home for 12.00 to be met by YH, Charlie and the Daughter...the Niece had finally surfaced too.

Sorted out lunch. The girls went off shopping and I took Dad fishing. He caught 1! Well to be honest he missed the bite, but I moved like a gazelle and picked up the rod and handed it to him so he could reel the fish in. Two hours stood behind him, casting out for him, feeding bait in for him and telling him when he'd missed a bite.

Home just after 5.00. Cooked dinner for 6, yes , you guessed it the Son and Heir turned up. Fajitas and potato wedges. Served up. Loaded the dishwasher. Played with Charlotte.

The Boss got home just before 9.00. Made her coffee and got her some cake. Downloaded photographs and sent some to relatives attached to emails.

And do you know what?..........No painkillers today....the back seems to be healed....just the odd little twinge....and it's aching a bit now........let's see how easy it is to get out of bed tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning got to roust Dad and get him sorted and then deliver him and the Niece to the train station to go home....and then maybe, just maybe, the Daughter and I might go for a beer....and maybe an afternoon snooze, first peaceful day of the half term break!

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