In your shoes
2years 5days
What do they say about a day walked in someone else's shoes? Well, given how tiddly she is and how big the shoes are, I'm sure the half hour that she walked mine is probably the toddler equivalent!
I slipped up this morning, and told her about the afternoon plans. So of course she was unimpressed when that wasnt what she was doing this morning. But apparently, she's really taken to Nicky at nursery and followed her round for the WHOLE morning. They said she was a bit unsettled for the first few hours but then really enjoyed doing some pictures for a party they're having on Monday. She ate an ok lunch, then had a happy play after lunch, so they left her to play even though some of the others were settling to sleep, because she was so happy. She then lay down and went straight off on a bed after playing. She's had no accidents at all again today, very pleased.
Monday's party has brought a dilemma I knew would come but expected to have a few years to face. I very much "dont do" halloween, if I'm honest I think there are dark forces in the world so dont like the idea of making light of them (BUT this is me being honest about me, not having a go at all, please dont take offence!) and we dont take part in halloween events, but I dont want her to be the odd one out on Monday, not wearing fancy dress, and miss out. Mind you, even if I were totally into it, she probably wouldnt wear anything, she doesnt like fancy dress costumes much. I have a fairy dress to fit her, so maybe a nonhalloween costume is the answer.
When I picked her up we went to play with James and Emma - Katie was excited that we really were now going. And she got a birthday present too! She's been playing with everything possible since we came home, plus lots of huge running cudddles and kisses, amongst the pile of toys that she has created with impressive speed!
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