
By Shonie

Out with the Old and In with the Happy

Council Tax bill is paid off!!! Hip hip flipping hooray! So happy, and upon making extra doubly super sure that this was my final bill I ripped up the little tag named 'Council tax fund' and replaced with a much much happier 'Christmas Fund' note....and I cannot wait for some paper pennies to go in here that is not going to Dundee City Council. How nice is that feeling. Also on happy money related issues I have reduced my overdraft down from £1500 to £490 so went into the bank and asked them to change the limit on the overdraft to no more than what it is sitting at now - so pretty much £500....but a marked improvement on owing them £1500!! And, I think as hard as its been to pay off if the limit was still there I would probably use it for something or other. So better to be safer than yet again sorry. Moral of the story - don't pay off a thousand pounds and leave it at the limit ...or you will yet again see yourself owing said £1000. Like me.

So to celebrate we had a little glass of vino and a pint in the pub and then went to pick up Bailey who has been staying with Logans sister whilst Nikita has been in season. So he is now home.
So all in a very happy good day :)

S x

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