michigan man

By outdoorguy

Cookie Night

Every Halloween and every CHRISTmas...my wife makes her famous sugar cookies. Friends and family then come over to help frost them. This year some of our regulars couldn't come...so we had to bring in some new recruits. Wanda, Doug, and Markie frosted their first cookies. We even called the 6 year-old neighbor over. The K-man came...frosted 8-9 cookies, we plated them up, and he took them home. He had to get to his Cub Scout meeting.

The shapes vary with the holiday. Halloween is pumpkins, bats, owls, moons, cats, and skulls. We don't let anybody except Uncle Al get too gruesome. If you look closely...my cookies are the ones with just frosting. I don't like to add "sprinkles", candy corn, or M and M's. I think it wrecks the taste of the delicous cookies. I take a lot of "heat" for it, but I have to stand up for my coookie principles.

Somebody dropped one on the floor, and our blind daschund Holly gobbled it up...proving even a blind squirrrel finds a nut once in a while. I didn't see it, but somebody said she smiled.

The cookies get served at my daughters scary party, and when we have people over on Halloween night. They are very colorful.

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