Eyes of Steel

From 70F yesterday, to 50F today. With no sun.

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my knock-off brand of Oats and More (w/almonds.) It was early, so I wasn't thinking about a blip.

A flash at the window. A squirrel was on the window sill...eyeing my breakfast. I swear he was salivating...probably over the slivered almonds.

I finished my cereal, and NO...I don't lap up the milk at the end. Time to take care of Tom. That's the squirrels new name...Peeping Tom.

I opened the door with treats in hand. Tom scurried down the fence, and then scurried up the tree. I talked to him gently as I approached...singing a s-o-f-t song. "Peanut...peanut butter...(no) jelly. He let me get to within 3 feet away with my outstretched hand. But, he wouldn't take the cracker.

I returned to my kitchen, dropped off the treats, and slightly opened my window. This was taken as Tom slithered up to get the goods. Put into RODENT LARGE to see whiskers and claws.

My Detroit Tigers (baseball) are looking pretty meek in the World Series. Instead of roaring like tigers...we are purring like pussycats. Tough to watch. Maybe I should invite Tom in to see if it would give us some good luck.

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