Lali's World

By Lali

Abandoned and neglected 11 - A graffitied tunnel

Today I was off and the weather was great for Scottish standards. The plan was to get up early, cycle all the way to Balerno and then back. What really happpened though was: I got up late and then couldn't leave the flat because I was expecting a phonecall from these accident insurance claim people regarding the car accident I was involved in back in July. Apparently I can get some compensation money for the upper back pain I've had since then. So, by the time I left, it was too late.

On my way there I met my good friend and fellow blipper jackjack on her horse. I took a picture of her, but couldn't blip it because it didn't go with my theme. See, themes help me to have something to blip every day, but then, sometimes you come accross something else and you can't blip it because it doesn't go with your theme! Never mind.

Now you're gonna laugh. Today I fell of my bike, while stationary. I was trying to take a picture of a cat while sitting on my bike and I fell. The cat was very passive, probably thinking: "what the hell is this woman trying to do?" The chain of my bike was dislodged and it took me a while to put it back on, ending up with black and greasy hands. Thank god I had the brilliant idea to bring some wet wipes with me!! Meanwhile, the cat was probably having a good laugh. He didn't move thoughout the whole ordeal! Hahahaha!

Made it just to Roseburn and then I took the cycle path back home.

And, apparently my theme was twitted! Although I have a Twitter account, I hardly ever use it, so it was thanks to some of my subscribers that I know about this. I feel flattered! What can I say!

As you can see, it's been an eventful day. Relaxing now because tomorrow I'm expecting to have a really busy and long day at work and I need a good rest.

Thanks again for all your comments. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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