pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

If you don't know who this is, you are Very Lucky

Very Lucky Indeed.

This my friends is Raa Raa the Noisy Lion. He is Son Two's current obsession. I have no idea why, they couldn't be more different. I mean, Raa Raa is so noisy, and a complete pain in the arse so very mischievous, and Son Two is just, oh, wait...

This is his birthday cake btw. He is 2 today. Where tf did that go?!

He has no idea it's his birthday - we've shifted it until tomorrow, when we can all celebrate together.

Am posting this on the morning of Saturday 29th. Every flamin' day this week he has been up ridiculously early. Today, when I'mall excited at the stack of presents he has to open? He's still snoring his head off with the rest of 'em at almost 8am. Typical.

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