Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Look no stabilizers.

Today the kids saw Nanna for the first time in a fortnight, as she is just out of hospital. They mostly played nicely with the railway set Nanna and Poppa gave William for his birthday and we had birthday cake with lunch.

My blip was going to be the shot I have of William looking really pleased with himself as he blew out the candles on his cake. However much later in the day we decided to take the kids out onto the playing field behind the house. We took the stabilizers off Carys' bike, fully expecting to have to put them back on, but no, off she shot. Ok so she still has to master starting on her own and she fell off a couple of times, but generally she was really good straight away. She was fast enough to make me run (and I mean run, not jog) at one point to keep up with her. Really proud of her. I was seven before I could swim, she mastered 10m at three and 20m at four, I was eleven before I could ride a bike and now she is doing it at four and a half.

William mean while has mastered his scooter to the point that even bribes of ice lollys or cake didn't tempt him home. 'I want scoot.'

I know it is out of focus, the shutter delay on my little camera is enormous and unfortunately I didn't take the big camera as I needed my hands free and the little one fits in my pocket.

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