Sparkle & Light
2years 8days
Saturdays always were special. They're extra super special now we have less Mummy and Katie time. We loved not having an alarm to waken either of us. Although of course we were awake at 5.30.
We pottered about for most of the morning, before I took her into town to spend a birthday voucher. She picked a very lovely wooden pizza set, with stick on "toppings", a pan, a wheel. She's extremely proud of her "piz". We had some elevenses together, before heading to the swimming pool.
She was so chuffed to be swimming - she missed last week, and always goes mad the first time back after a break. They did their first seated dives today, progressing from the baby dives. She did her superman arms, put her tummy flat on her knees, and went in beautifully! Even pushed off the wall with her feet. Then wouldnt do it again. She thought the humptydumpties were hilarious today and enjoyed a game of Simon Says. Although "simon says hide under the water" was her favourite bit, which she insisted on doing after it had moved on to "put one ear in the water".
After swimming, we had lunch in the centre cafe. She was playing boo with her teacher across it. We sat and chatted to one of the mums who we used to go to baby class with. I was pretty nervous about how she'd get on after swimming with no nappy, the amount of pool water she swallows, but everything has been done in the right place today. She's done brilliantly! Not surprisingly, she was alseep pretty quickly after we left the pool.
This afternoon we went to a Sparkle & Light party at the church in the Village. Katie did lots of crafts - made a tealight holder, a star picture, a crown, a sparkly tree decoration, decorated a party bag and a biscuit (Mummy may have helped a little!) We then played Pass the Star (Pass the Parcel without the hassle of wrapping lots of layers, but where every child still gets sweets!) then did lots of action songs and played with balloons. She had a lot of fun!
In other news, Scarborough today lost a legend RIP Sir Jimmy
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