Morning Walk

2years 1week

Katie decided at 7.15 she would like to go for a walk. It happened that we were ready, so I agreed. She took me round to the duck pond, said hello to the ducks but left hastily after they began to fight. We walked round to the old church, and I think she was taking me to tea and toast as she was very unimpressed when I guided her back to our house, the opposite direction to there.

Nursery day today - she was a bit unimpressed and was snuggled in a cradle chair with Monkey, expressing that, when I left. It wasnt one of her better days, really. She had the most accidents she's had in any one day (4, which she's never ever done) But none of the workers that she's attached to were in today so I wonder if that was part of it. Plus they said she needed a poo, wont do it at nursery, so kept going for a wee every 10minutes.

After I got her, we went for tea with the cousins, but she was a very tired little munchkin and not even interested in icecream!! . Some of the mums, a couple with their littles are coming round this evening, so I'll open a book now on whether Katie decides to sleep or join the fun! She is in bed at the moment (mine) but lets see if she stays there!

PS the dress is the FAB reverse side to her new Monkey dress, by a company called Bubbywrap who I was shown on Facebook. they have the most gorgeous (boys and girls!) fabrics and products!

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