michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Pathway to ???

We took a late afternoon walk in our nature preserve today. About 4:30 p.m. With the leaves down...it's getting hard to tell just where the path is. I had what I thought was a brilliant idea. We would take a loaf of bread, and tear off little pieces to mark our way. We walked out for a 17.5 minutes, emptied the bag of bread, and turned to start back. 2 giant crows were in our line of vision. There was no bread to be seen.

My wife turned into a damsel in distress. "How are we going to get back to the car? Are you forgetting I have a roast in the oven?" I put my arm around her, and tried to offer a little comfort. "Don't forget Honey...I spent 6 months in the Cub Scouts. I'll get us out of here."

Gathering up all of my Webelo knowledge...I figured we had 2 choices. 1. If we went due South...we would eventually have to reach the entry road. I looked up to find the setting sun in the western sky. NO SUN...the skies were full of clouds. I thought about joining my wife in her distress. I tried not to show my wooded alarm. I had a vision of gathering up some pine branches to sleep on, and to cover up with. C'MON THINK..YOU FORMER CUB SCOUT!!

It would have to be option #2. Follow the color-coded plastic markers that were spaced 10-15 feet apart on the forest trees. Green was our color, and we followed it back to the car. I breathed a big sigh of relief.

My wife is actually in the picture after just dropping off the carrot peelings for the deer. Dinner was delicous. I'm sure glad we were able to escape from the woods.

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