michigan man

By outdoorguy

Halloween 2011

Another scary night in our subdivision. We probably had 350-400 kids this year. One older "kid" had more beard than me, and one young lady was "well-developed", but most were the younger kids. One 6-7 year-old did say..."TRICK OR TREAT!...SMELL MY FEET! I told him.."I'm going to give you an extra piece of candy for that!" The 3 kids with him then piped up with the same phrase. Kids learn fast.

Clockwise from left top corner..that's Merrick with his friend Alissa, Merrick with the empty candy dish, Merrick and his mom Karen( my daughter), Merrick and his mom and dad, and our friends the Brodys...all dressed up.

We cut the candy pretty close this year. I thought we had a lot, and at first was handing out 5 pieces to a bag. Near the end..we were down to passing out 1 piece at a time..plus we made Merrick empty his small stash into the community bowl. I hope no one ever tells him. We ended up with about 25 pieces left. WHEW!

My pumpkin this year is in the middle. I took a picture off the internet, and tried to duplicate it..with mixed results. In looking at it last night..I thought I had wasted 3 hours of my life. But..when you get a couple of junior-high kids saying.."Awesome pumpkin Mister.." then you think it's not too bad. At least I tried.

The "IT" costumes of the year were Super Mario and Luigi, Thomas the Train, Batman, and the adorable little princesses. My wifes barbeque and her sugar cookies were a big hit..as always. Happy Fright night!!

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