michigan man

By outdoorguy

Color Almost Gone

When I was taking the doctor to his office..I went by this pond, and saw 4 giant white egrets. I doubled back after I dropped him off. By the time I got back..there was one left, but he/she was quite close. I pushed the button to start up, and before I could even get the zoom out..he/she flew off.

I took off on the trail to find more stuff. Colors are gone, not a duck in sight, 2 squirrels, black walnuts gone, a dozen gulls, and 35-40 geese. Nothing too exciting.

I did spot one big Blue Heron, left the trail, and started bushwacking to the small lake. I had him in my sights. Just a few more steps. I looked up one last time, and in doing so..cracked a small branch. Henry the Heron flew off. I didn't even get to turn the camera on.

Going outside now. Yard work is calling my name.

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