Five things

By fivethings

Get out

1. I am off to Inverness in my Juke. I have always liked this car - it looks like a trainer. The journey is grey and very wet. I pass the time with a jumbo bag of onion rings and Tony Blackburn's pick of the pops - 1985 is the year - and I think I know most of the words to every song in the top 20. I don't, but I think I do and those that I don't know I make up.

2. About 14 miles from Inverness I come the closest I ever have to running out of petrol. With all fingers crossed I thankfully make it. I will never, ever do that again. Promise.

3. Big night again - our first Highland Deaf Theatre Club meeting. Smaller numbers than I hoped but it's still a success. I have pages of notes and meet some very cool, passionate people.

4. Eden Court does a really nice dinner. You should totally try it if you are in town.

5. I nip backstage to see about taking some kit back down the road. The get out is an hour old. It never fails to impress me that not only do the team put the show on, but on the last night their work is only just starting when the show comes down. There are two artic lorries waiting to be loaded. I like this backstage view.

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