
By AprilJane

School Daze

This shot of a corridor in Betsy and Al's school looks like it could be my school, back in 1978.  It  probably doesn't look that different from my mothers in 1948.  

The school is being rebuilt. There are bulldozers on the field, and builders everywhere. But this part of the school, according to Betsy, is so old, they can't change it. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it's definitely true that the older parts of the school are the nicest, and certainly in the case of the classrooms, are the least shabby.  This particular corridor however, is very run down, sports hideous ice-blue gloss paint and smells like a stable.  Still, to me, it looks like how a school should look.

Betsy left for basketball club at 7.30 this morning. She goes to Scouts on a Tuesday too at 6.30 and doesn't get back till 8.45. I don't know how she does it.  Al does Gymnastics after school on Tuesdays. He always complains about it and says he doesn't want to go but always really enjoys it.  It's exhausting. 

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