Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

As mad as....

BlahBlahBlahblah blah blah! Yep one of those days, my head full of noise, disruption, static.

The energy feedback from people can be So distracting, their self absorbed presence demanding space and attention, me,me,me,me!!

I know that we all get caught up in it but, hey....well, please/thankyou, seeing other people rather than a 'people' shaped obstacle. We seem to make things more important, when it's folk that are the thing! I heard some-one say today "look out there's a bike coming!" really? a bike on it's own? nobody cycling it? you see what I mean...things!

I know I go on about this sort of thing to my friends but today it just got to me....and people think I'm mad!

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