It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

The Joys of Manual

I've not blipped for a whole week! Shame on me!

I was going to go mountain biking at Lee Quarry today, but the train service to the village was poop.....12:46 was the 1st train to run so I was stuck. I did have a wee play on the bike in The Great Wood but I'm concious that there are no bridleways and that it's been a wet week; maybe not ideal.

After some lunch, pumpkin and lentil casserole, I decided that I'd go a walk since it was a perfect day! I'm so lucky to live where I do, in a great wee village surrounded by hills, but 25 mins from Manchester city centre. I started off towards Broadmills, round the side of the catholic church, then through the woods and up towards Charlesworth. It's properly into autumn so the colours and smells are just wonderful.

What was particularly exciting was that I had decided at the start of the walk to only use the "manual" button on my camera. I like to think I'm not a "path of least resistance" type of person but I think Rosemary would kill me if each photo involved as many iterations when I was out with her. I'm so pleased with the results though! The colours just come alive and I achieved so much more!

This tree is towards Coombes Edge.

One funny bit was when I was crossing a stile, I somehow tried to put my foot on the lower step and missed, I then tried to avoid bashing my camera and went arse over tit, grabbing the fence to avoid nose-planting into a big rock...I will have a big bruise tomorrow! I wanted to stop and nurse my wounds but a couple were coming up behind and saw me!

I found a new path down towards Glossop, circumnavigating a field with big cows, thought about having a pint in The Globe but heard Rosemary's incredulous voice in my head......"having a a pub....on your own???" so I hopped on the next train instead.

Congrats to Rosemary on winning The Open 5 adventure race in Church Stretton today! I am a very proud boyfriend!

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